Fklang Specification

Fklang provide a two-way binding between design-implementation for architecture.

Basic Works:

  • DDD syntax. DDD strategy and tactic description.
  • DomainEvent Implementation. for generate implementation of DomainEvent.
  • Binding. mapping DSL to SourceCode
  • Layered syntax. layered structured syntax.

In dev:

  • Env for Database.
  • SourceSet Plugin. third-part integration, like PlantUml, Swagger.


  • Builtin Types. like Context, Container, or else.
  • Description syntax. description design in fake code.
  • Typedef (TBD). for DDD syntax type bootstrapping.

Basic Syntax


  • DDD 关键词以大写开头,驼峰式命名
  • 其他以小写开头,避免驼峰
  • 特殊场景,遵循该领域的命名规则(但是,应该支持全小写)
    • 例外场景 1:HTTP 请求方法,使用全大写


attr_type: attr_value;


request: CinemaUpdatedRequest;




Aggregate Ticket {
  Entity Ticket, Seat;


DDD Syntax:

context_map_decl:[ 'ContextMap' ] [ ID ] '{' (context_node_decl | context_node_rel ) '}'
context_node_decl:['context'] [ID]
context_node_rel:[ ID ] rel_symbol [ ID ]
rel_symbol:('->' | '<-' | '<->')
context_decl:[ 'Context' ] [ ID ] '{' aggregate_list? '}'
attr_item:([ ID ] '=' [ value ] ','?)* ';'?
|([ ID ] ':' [ value ] ','?)* ';'?
|[ ID ] ([ value, ',' ])* ';'?
aggregate_decl:[ 'Aggregate' ] [ ID ] '{' entity_list '}'
entity_decl:[ 'Entity' ] [ ID ] '{' value_object_list '}'
value_object__decl:[ 'ValueObject' ] [ ID ] '{' value_list '}'


ContextMap Ticket {}

Context ShoppingCarContext {}

// render wtih UML styled?
Aggregate Cart {
  """ inline doc sample
  just-demo for test
  DomainEvent CartCreated, CartItemAdded, CartItemRemoved, CartItemQuantityChanged, CartCheckedOut;
  DomainEvent CartItemQuantityChanged;

  Entity Cart;

Entity Cart {
  // it's to many, can change in different way.
  ValueObject CartId
  ValueObject CartStatus
  ValueObject CartItem
  ValueObject CartItemQuantity
  ValueObject CartItemPrice
  ValueObject CartItemTotal
  ValueObject CartTotal

DomainEvent Implementation

Subscribe / Publish / Event / Flow


  • input -> request
    • pre-validate
  • output -> response
    • post-validate
  • process -> flow
    • tasking

compare to given-when-then.

impl CinemaCreated {
  endpoint {
    POST "${uri}/post";
    request: Request;
    authorization: Basic "{{username}}" "{{password}}";
  // created in ApplicationService
  flow {
    via UserRepository::getUserById() receive user: User
    // send "book.created" to Kafka
    via UserRepository::saveUser(user: User) receive void
    // or
    via UserRepository::save(user: User) receive user: User;
    // message queue
    via MessageQueue send CinemaCreated to "CinemaCreated"
    // http request
    via HTTP::post() send Message to "${uri}/post"
    // grpc Greeter
    via GRPC::Greeter send CinemaCreated to "CinemaCreated"
    // map filter
    when(isUserValid) {
      is true => {
        // do something
      is false => {
        // do something

expect generate code will be:

// get_user_by_user_id from JPA
public User getUserByUserId(String userId) {
  return userRepository.findByUserId(userId);

// get_user_by_user_id from MyBatis
public User getUserByUserId(String userId) {
  return userMapper.getUserByUserId(userId);


Binding provide a way to binding source code to Context

Aggregate Ticket {
  DomainEvent TicketCreated, TicketUpdated, TicketDeleted;

// or to service ?
impl TicketBinding {
  aggregate: Ticket; 
  endpoint {
    GET "/ticket/{id}";
    request: GetTicketRequest;
    authorization: Basic admin admin;
    response: Ticket;

//define config: ExtraConfig {
//  baseUrl: "/ticket";
//  language: "Java";
//  package: "com.phodal.coco";

If no config, will use default config by scanner?

SourceSet (TBD)

SourceSet is design for support 3rd-party dsl, like PlantUML, Swagger.yaml

space_source_set_decl:[ 'SourceSet' ] [ ID ] '{' att_list '}'
simple_source_set_decl:[ 'SourceSet' ] [ ID ] '(' att_list ')'
implementation_decl:[ 'impl' ] [ID] '{' (inline_doc) '}'

PlantUML for Structure

file_type: uml, puml

SourceSet sourceSet {
  feakin {
    srcDir: ["src/main/resources/uml"]
  puml {
    parser: "PlantUML"
    srcDir: ["src/main/resources/uml"]

Swagger API (TBD)

file_type: Yaml, JSON

with: XPath



SourceSet petSwagger {
  swagger {
    parser: "Swagger"
    srcDir: ["src/main/resources/swagger"]
    xpath: "/definitions/Pet"

// with XPath

UniqueLanguage model ? (TBD)

file_type: CSV, JSON, Markdown ?

SourceSet TicketLang {
  UniqueLanguage {
    srcDir: "ticket.csv";
    type: UniqueLanguage;
    prefix: "Ticket";


Layered is design for decl

layered_decl:'layered' ([ ID ] | 'default' ) '{' layered_body? '}'
layer_item_decl:'layer' [ ID ] '{' layer_item_entry* '}'
package_decl:'package' ':' [ string ]

can be guarding for model

layered DDD {
  dependency {
    "interface" -> "application"
    "interface" -> "domain"
    "domain" -> "application"
    "application" -> "infrastructure"
    "interface" -> "infrastructure"
  layer interface {
     package: ""
  layer domain {
     package: "com.example.domain"
  layer application {
    package: "com.example.application"
  layer infrastructure {
    package: "com.example.infrastructure"


For database and mock server

env Local {
  datasource {
    driver: postgresql
    host: "localhost"
    port: 5432
    database: "test"
  server {
    port: 9090;

with API testing (Todo)

with Help utils function

  • builtin-functions: mock server
  • builtin-functions: verify server for testing contract
impl CinemaCreated {
  endpoint {
    GET "/book/{id}";
    request: CreateBookRequest;
    authorization: Basic admin admin;
    response: Cinema;

    // a mock server for testing
    mock {
       port: 8080;
    verify {
       env: Local;
       expect {
        "status": 200
        "data": {
          // build in APIs ?
          "id": {{$uuid}};
          "price": {{$randomInt}};
          "ts": {{$timestamp}};
          "value": "content"

  // full processing (TBD)
  request CreateBookRequest {
//    schema => data,
//    schema {
//      "title" : "string",
//      "author" : "string",
//      "price" : "number"
//    }
    data {
      "title" : "The Lord of the Rings",
      "author" : "J.R.R. Tolkien",
      "price" : 29.99
    validate {
      // title.length > 10 ? 
      title  {
        required { min: 3, max: 10 }
        pattern { regex: "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" }
        range { min: 1, max: 100 }
  middle {
    via User get/update/delete/post userId 
    via Kafka send "book.created"

  response CreateBookResponse {
     struct {
        "id" : "number"
     validate  { }
  // with source side (TBD)
  output CreateBookResponse(xpath="");
  input CreateBookResponse(sourceSet="PetSwagger" location="");

env Local {
  host: "http://localhost:8080";

Default impl config (TBD)

var config: Config {
  language: "feakin"
  framework: "Spring"
  message: "Kafka" 
  dao: "JPA"
  cache: "Redis"
  search: "ElasticSearch"


Typedef (TBD)

Typedef provide custom syntax like container or others, can support for bootstrapping DDD syntax.

BuildIn Types

Basic Types

identifierunique identifier
binaryAny binary data
bitsA set of bits or flags
boolean"true" or "false"
enumerationEnumerated strings
numberAny number, can be float or int
optional ?Optional type ?

Data Types ?

TableTable data
ListList data
MapMap data
SetSet data
TupleTuple data
ObjectObject data
ArrayArray data
DateDate data
TimeTime data
DateTimeDateTime data
DurationDuration data
IntervalInterval data


var source: JavaSource {
  language: "Java";
  package: "com.phodal.coco";


def ContextMap {
    // todo: parser generator    
typedef_decl:[ 'typedef'] '(' metaType ')' ID '{' (decl_list) '}';
decl_item:[ID] ':' decl_name


Description Syntax:

description_decl:[ ID ] '{' expr* '}'
if_expr:[ 'if' ] '(' [ expression ] ')'
when_expr:[ 'when' ] '(' [ expression ] ')'
behavior_expr:['via'] [ ID ] action [ID]
action:[ 'get' | 'update' | 'delete' | 'create' | 'send']
var sample: FakeCode {
  // if (and ?) then {} else {}
  when(condition) {
    is condition1 {

    is condition2 {

    else {


  operator: <, >, >=, <=, ==, +, -, *, %, /, ?
  // call
  via Entity send/ receive Event;

Function (Bootstrapping)

  • mock
  • verify
  • validate
mock {


func mock(container: MockContainer) {
  // steps

fun verify(input: Input, output: Output) {
  // steps

fun validate(input: Input, output: Output) {
  // steps