Fklang code binding

Whole process:

  1. parse Fklang binding syntax, identify the binding target.
  2. parse the target file, identify the binding target. (use Scanner)
  3. generate the binding code, and insert it into the target file.
  4. format the target file?


  • code_meta. metadata of the code, such as the package name, the class name, the function name, etc.
  • construct. parse source code to code_meta with TreeSitter.
  • inserter. insert code to source code.
  • exec. execute the binding process.


Online playground:

TreeSitter is support Pattern Matching with Queries can use S-expression to query the AST.

Query examples

Java Code:

class DateTimeImpl {
    public Date getDate() {
        return new Date();

Query Language:

	(scoped_identifier) @package-name)

	(scoped_identifier) @import-name)

	    name: (identifier) @class-name
        interfaces: (super_interfaces (interface_type_list (type_identifier)  @impl-name))?
        body: (class_body (method_declaration
                  name: (identifier)
                      arguments: (annotation_argument_list)? @annotation.key_values
            type: (type_identifier) @return-type
            name: (identifier) @function-name
            parameters: (formal_parameters (formal_parameter
              type: (type_identifier) @param-type
                name: (identifier) @param-name


program [0, 0] - [6, 0]
  class_declaration [0, 0] - [4, 1]
    name: identifier [0, 6] - [0, 18]
    body: class_body [0, 19] - [4, 1]
      method_declaration [1, 4] - [3, 5]
        modifiers [1, 4] - [1, 10]
        type: type_identifier [1, 11] - [1, 15]
        name: identifier [1, 16] - [1, 23]
        parameters: formal_parameters [1, 23] - [1, 25]
        body: block [1, 26] - [3, 5]
          return_statement [2, 8] - [2, 26]
            object_creation_expression [2, 15] - [2, 25]
              type: type_identifier [2, 19] - [2, 23]
              arguments: argument_list [2, 23] - [2, 25]